Monday, December 17, 2018

Essay 2

Human beings are living beings, which stand out and are differentiated from other species by different characteristics of our physical and psychological development. It is fundamental to bear in mind that our development begins from the moment we are born and does not end in adolescence, but there are aspects that we develop throughout our lives. One of the main aspects that we develop as individuals has to do with our interpersonal relationships, the way in which we relate and form part of groups, while we learn and shape our behavior and influence the behavior of others. It is extremely interesting to give an account of how our social development and empathy begins, something that is defined as prosocial behaviors. Various authors of educational and child psychology realize that it is a process that starts in childhood and that a special emphasis must be placed from this stage of development for various reasons, either to identify these behaviors in different stages as well as in the development of intervention programs and studies of school dynamics in studies of Arenas and Parra (2005), Marin (2009), Caicedo (2014), among others (cited in Vásquez, 2017).
In addition, the school stage or early childhood, turns out to be one of the stages where more knowledge acquires the child or girl and where it is easier to acquire this knowledge. According to Hernández-Muela, Mulas and Mattos (2004):
The nervous structures in the first years of life are in a maturational process in which new synaptic connections are continuously established and the growing myelination of their structures takes place, so that in response to the stimuli coming from experience, and through internal biochemical processes, the brain of the child is formed (p.60).
Therefore, this stage, being the first and for what has been said above, implies dedicating a special attention to it, and it is also interesting to ask the following question: is the context relevant for children's empathic development? To what extent could they be affected?

In first place, the empathy in childhood had a lot of definitions, but the most part of the authors thing that ‘’is the capacity for put in the shoes of other person’’ (Galvis, 2014), watching the feelings or maybe feel the same of other person. Other definition, related with the previous one, is ‘’the emotional answer of the understanding of the situation that other is involve’’ (Mestre, Sampre and Frías, 2004, cited in Salinas et al., 2016).
There are so many theories about the origin of this empathy. Some people think we born with this capacity, others think we learn through education and our context and others think we need the context to develop and upgrade along our lives (Feshbach y Bologini, 2007 and 2004, cited in Arriagada, Contuliano and Díaz, 2014, p. 31-32).
The empathy can be understandable by 2 components: cognitive and affective (Eisenber and Strayer, cited in Oros and Fontana, 2015). The first component implicates the capacity to put in other place and the second suppose understand and share the feelings of other person.
In other point, the empathy requires the scholar context for a good development, this is based in Richard and Kamberk (1995, cited in Salinas et al., 2016, p. 13), they said the scholar context is where the empathy evolve and is more evident in the scholar years where the understanding of feelings in faces and in the behaviors of others stimulates the development and the strengthening of this ability.
The contexts are not the only factor for the develop of the empathy in kids, some people in their studies found differences between boys and girls, being the girls more empathic than the boys, but this difference are only in the affective component, and not in the cognitive, so the boys and the girls can develop the same capacity in the same conditions.
Some ones says the difference between boys and girls could be affected for the culture and the family education, according to Mirón (1989, cited in Garaigordobil and Garcia de Galdeano, 2006) who suggest that is important keep in mind this standards of upbringing.

Is necessary go deep in this topic, because the scholar context and the childhood is a fundamental level in the development of the persons, however, this is not the only area of this development. As I mention it, the cultural context and the family are important as the scholar context, the kids are not only for school, they need a good guide and a good atmosphere to get well-being in personal and social terms. Is important changed our conception of the boys and girls, we are all the same and we need to learn how to express ourselves and attend to the others, because the boys were educated since they are little kids with a special phrase: ‘’be a man’’, so they avoid the emotional expressions and when they are adults they have a lot of problems related with emotions.

-          Arriagada, N., Contuliano, D. & Díaz, P. (2014). Estudio comparativo de niveles de empatía entre niños/as de segundo ciclo, pre-kínder y kínder, según clima social familiar. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile.
-          Galvis, R. (2014). Las neuronas espejo y el desarrollo de la empatía frente a la agresión y el conflicto en la escuela. Praxis Pedagógica 14(15), 43-53.
-          Garaigordobil, M. & García de Galdeano, P. (2006). Empatía en niños de 10 a 12 años. Psicothema, 18(2), 180-186.
-          Hernández-Muela, S., Mulas, F. & Mattos, L. (2004). Plasticidad neuronal funcional. Revista de Nuerología, 38 (1), 58-68.
-          Oros, L. & Fontana, A. (2015).  Niños socialmente hábiles: ¿Cuánto influyen la empatía y las emociones positivas? Interdisciplinaria, 32 (1), 109-125.
-          Salinas, N., Sepúlveda, C., Urrego, G., Karam, J. & Castillo, C. (2016). La empatía como eje de las habilidades para la vida: Una mirada en contextos escolares divergentes. Polemikos 2(3), 62-78.
-          Vásquez Arteaga, Érika Alexandra. (2017). Estudio de las conductas prosociales en niños de San Juan de Pasto. Psicogente20(38), 282-295.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Essay 1

School’s activities of the last generation 


In Chile all the schools and their students have their own traditions. The traditions in the schools could be art, presentations and dances, champions of every sport or just maybe something to remember the last generation or the last grade in a specific year. However, in some schools the traditions of the last year were been maximize to other level or just get out of control like throw trash or humiliate their partners, but why the students wants to do this crazy and dangerous activities just for remind their last day in the school?
In the majority of schools the traditions of the last year or the last grade, in general, are greats and beautiful, something to repeat and to remember, something that need a lot of preparation and effort from the students. For example, in some schools the students were do dances with choreography that they present to their parents, also in other schools made expositions of art or music like a concert to beneficent for the schools and their little partners of the lowest grades. They want to do something extraordinary to be remembering and for the other generations that they can make a difference and keep an activity as their tradition, as something that represent their schools and their community, but this is not for all the schools or the students.
In other cases, the students prepare an activity for laughs and for humiliate, just for fun and behind the eyes of everyone. This, in some schools it called ‘’the black list’’, they put in a list names of any students of other years (often a lowest grade) for, in some word, go and hunt them. In this ‘’hunt’’ they throw any kind of material, like flour, dirt, vinegar, smoke bombs and in some extreme cases chlorine.
Traditions in schools could be a nice occasion for all the students and the community, but it not represent all the schools and their students and the plans of the ‘’farewell’’. In the worst opportunity, others students could get out with several physical damage or in the littlest students with fair to the schools and traumas. The decision for the activity it needs to considerate the opinion of everyone and it if a good activity to keep as a tradition of the school to represent it and not just for a nice moment only for a little group of students, they are the oldest in the school and it is necessary that they could demonstrate their maturity.

Monday, November 26, 2018


The main objective of this report is to talk about my six weeks’ experience in the Rousseau School for the next generations and for anybody who wants to postulate.
About the School
Rousseau School is an educational institution with low resources and with a high percentage of vulnerability socioeconomic, it located in Chile, in the community of Maipu. This school was created in 2004 and now has 540 students of different nationalities. Also the school account with all the primary and secondary levels of education.
My work experience
For six weeks my work it focuses on only one grade, the 3th grade of primary education.
In the first visit, with my team saw the 3th grade in a regular day to learn about the dynamics in a normal day. For the next 2 weeks I worked with kids and the principal teacher in them behaviors between partners. They were aggressive and jokers with each other, they did not respect they teachers and nobody could ‘’control them’’ in the education sense, they did not have auto control.
At the 3 and 4 week, I learnt how to stimulate kids with aggressive behaviors and how to channel the destructive impulses in other activities related with the painting, the conversations and the work in groups. I learnt dynamics of groups and to be patient and attend the necessities of the kids.
In the last weeks we tried to work with videos about the respect, tolerance, comradeship, love, peace, etc. We did a lot of manual works like paste images in a poster, write how the 3th grade could change in the future and we talked about the emotions of the kids and how to solve them problems.
General Comments
I think my work in this school was good; my team was nice with the activities and to think in the problematic topics. I gained a lot of knowledge related with kids and the functions of the school. With the comments of the teachers and the psychologist of the school, I think we did a great intervention and the students express they gratitude before I leave the school in my last visit.
In conclusion, the Rousseau school is a nice place to work in, but not for everyone if you don’t like to work with little kids and if you don’t like loud sounds and screaming all the day. However, you can learn a lot about your abilities and your limits, to be creative and spontaneous with students, because that could be really hard.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


I’m Jonathan Flores, I was born in 1999 in Santiago (Chile), in somewhere of Providencia, I’m 19 years old, I’m single, I’m atheistic. My father is Alejando Flores and my mom Luz Astete.
I studied in 3 schools when I was a child. The first school was Belen School, I was in it until my 8th birth day, then I changed to Presidente Alessandri School because my other school closed and I finished primary studies in this school. When I reach 14 years I changed again for other school, that school was Liceo José Victorino Lastarria and I finished my basics studies in Lastarria. Now I’m studying Psychology in Universidad de Chile, I’m coursing the second year, I need to complete three years more to finish my career.
Only one time I worked in my life, I was so lazy, in the last summer I worked doing inventory for an industry of cloths and then doing inventory for bags of favors. It was horrible, the pay was low and the schedule was so extensive, I think I will not work again doing inventory.
I think I don’t have a special skill that I can mention here, but I think I’m good cooking any kind of food.
My interests are focus in my career, finish and then work, then travel around the world, I don’t want to stay here in Chile, I want to meet new people and cultures and maybe make my life in other place.
My hobbies are play video games, play the electric guitar, read books of detectives and mystery, travel, listen to music, go to the gym and swim, I enjoy swim in pools or in the sea.

Monday, November 19, 2018


For make bread it will be necessary some ingredients from the store: flour, yeast, salt and water.
Then, is necessary have exactly the proportions of each ingredient. For make 1 kilo of bread is necessary 750 grs of flour, 30 grs of yeast, a half spoon of salt and 400 ml of boiled water. Then mix everything in a median bowl and start to knead it, then divide the ball of mass in parts and leaves it in others bowls (if you make more than 1 kilo) and let it rest for 1 or 2 hours, depending of the dampness of the mass.
When the time of rest is over it will be essential prove if the mass using a finger in the mass, if the finger sink in the mass is ready for baking in an oven for 20 or 25 minutes at 220°C.
The next step is to cool the bread out of the oven, surrounded with blankets of the kitchen around of an hour to get the best texture and to slice the bread appropriately.
Then, with the bread slice, is ready to packing it in sacks and label it with the mark and the expiration date.
Finally, the bread is ready for dispatch in all the stores for sealing and consume with everything you want.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Introduction to

Palestine is a strong nation at today. They were exiled in 1948 and so many people migrated to other countries, especially to Chile where it contain the biggest community of Palestinians. Despite of this, Chileans don’t see a lot of Palestinians in the streets, in events or something public and massive, they still quiet and in silence in our society. Nevertheless, Palestinians keep trying to return to their land for rebuild their lives and restore their memory, until today they demand assistance to the ONU.
The conflict between Palestine and Israel it remounts to 1948, when the Palestinians were exiled by the Judean who escaped from the holocaust and get refugee in Palestine’s land. This conflict still current at today and each time its accent more. Israel denies them their territory and their rights in the land, but Palestinians don’t give up. At today, Palestinians people are in bad conditions, they were been kidnapped (kids, women’s and man’s), they were been tortured and killed by Israelis authorities and now they are trying to get justice at the eyes of everyone in the world who sees this atrocities.
Proposed Solution
Israel doesn’t want any solution, they want to keep the past in the past, but the Palestinians will not end their manifestations and demands until they get what they want.
Is complex find solutions for this problem, I think the best opportunity for Palestinians is keep talking and debate for get some justice and make conscience, because the ONU can’t do anything against the crimes committed in Israel. The solution for this is hard, one nation will lose and other will gain territory, profits, power, etc., in this conflict is almost impossible they can get an agreement in which they can resolve their differences
Resultado de imagen para palestina vs israel

Monday, September 24, 2018


Hi Stephanie, I can tell you about my friend Jean. He’s 23 years old, he studied sound engineer and now he is looking for a job.
He’s very sociable, he has lots of friends and he always make news ones on parties. He is responsible and also makes sacrifices for what he wants. He has a young little brother but they don’t have a good relation.
He likes all kind of music, motorcycles and he loves the tattoos, all months he wants a new tattoo, so be careful if he tries to convince you for do a tattoo. He likes to go out and meet people, he doesn’t drink alcohol because he goes to the gym every day, and he is incredibly good looking.
I think he is stubborn when he has a discussion about politics and relationship, and he’s quite grumpy but he is a good person with his family and his friends.
I hope that can be useful for you. Notice me of you have any question about him.
See you, Jonathan.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Changes to my study programme

Every career has problems in their programs and the students know that because they study every day for years, so is our responsibility to make changes in the subjects and in the career in general
I study psychology in Universidad de Chile and I think we can change subjects in the first year, for example I think the subject of Philosophy is not necessary at all in our development as psychologists, because Philosophy don’t teach any element or component essential so I don’t consider this curse important and can be changed for something related to make reports and team work, how we can solve problems in our groups for example.
The workload in subjects like Basic Process of learning is huge. They make us to read a lot of papers and investigations for a simple evaluation at every week and sometimes we have to focus in other subjects and they are not compliant with us and our mental stability, I think they can change some evaluation or try with other teach method that don’t include study a lot of papers for just 6 questions.
The infrastructure and the space in our faculty are good but could be better. Sometimes we need a place to study in groups but the library and the study’s rooms are full, they collapsed some days especially at the ending of semesters, we could have more rooms to study. Also, there aren’t enough notebooks, sometimes we can’t make reports or essays and when we get a computer it turn off in the middle of a report, I think is time to bring new computers or repair the elders, it would be better for everyone.
Finally, I consider the methods of teaching in my career are goods and varied so everybody can learn and they can enjoy it, I think there isn’t a unique and excellent method, we are all different and we can’t learn in the same way.

Resultado de imagen para facultad ciencias sociales universidad de chile

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Expert on my field

Andrés Antivilo
Everyone has someone they admire, like a singer, an artist, a friend and we have our owns reasons for do it.
I’m going to talk about a teacher from my university, I don’t admire him, but I respect him as a person and professional in psychology and his work. Andres Antivilo is a psychologist and a statistical from Universidad de Chile.
Since May 1, 2004, he is a part-time academic at the Department of Psychology of the Universidad de Chile. Also in between 2011 and 2016 he collaborated with the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registration (DEMRE). In the field of university management, he was Coordinator of Evaluation and Follow-up in Psychology Career.
I need to be honest, I don’t know anything about his personal life and I’ not his close friend, but I love his classes, the contents and the methods that he uses for teach us as clearly as possible.
The reason I mention him is because I think he is a fantastic teacher, he is charismatic with all the students and in the morning he tries to encourage when they feel tired and he always try to do dynamic classes with games in which we can make points for the next evaluation.
I was surprised when he talks about his collaboration in DEMRE and when he explained the system, the reality of the PSU is horrible, he maintains my opinion about the test, it must be removed and put one that correctly measures the abilities of each student.