is a strong nation at today. They were exiled in 1948 and so many people
migrated to other countries, especially to Chile where it contain the biggest community
of Palestinians. Despite of this, Chileans don’t see a lot of Palestinians in
the streets, in events or something public and massive, they still quiet and in
silence in our society. Nevertheless, Palestinians keep trying to return to their
land for rebuild their lives and restore their memory, until today they demand
assistance to the ONU.
conflict between Palestine and Israel it remounts to 1948, when the Palestinians
were exiled by the Judean who escaped from the holocaust and get refugee in
Palestine’s land. This conflict still current at today and each time its accent
more. Israel denies them their territory and their rights in the land, but
Palestinians don’t give up. At today, Palestinians people are in bad
conditions, they were been kidnapped (kids, women’s and man’s), they were been
tortured and killed by Israelis authorities and now they are trying to get
justice at the eyes of everyone in the world who sees this atrocities.
Israel doesn’t
want any solution, they want to keep the past in the past, but the Palestinians
will not end their manifestations and demands until they get what they want.
Is complex
find solutions for this problem, I think the best opportunity for Palestinians
is keep talking and debate for get some justice and make conscience, because
the ONU can’t do anything against the crimes committed in Israel. The solution
for this is hard, one nation will lose and other will gain territory, profits,
power, etc., in this conflict is almost impossible they can get an agreement in
which they can resolve their differences

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